Take Shelter


Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself.

Director: Jeff Nichols
Country: USA


I’ll just start by saying that, if I were a filmmaker, I would put Michael Shannon inĀ everything. The man is utterly transfixing, and stoic countenance projects a shockingly wide range of emotions.

The movie is a terrifying and incredibly sad look at a good, decent person succumbing to schizophrenia, knowing that there’s nothing he can do about it as he tries desperately to hold on to reality and his family. It forces you to participate in that experience along with Curtis (Michael Shannon), questioning everything you see and feel, dreading the inevitable.

But its also very beautiful and humane. Curtis’ mental state is handled with care and compassion, and some degree of hope seems to be offered at the end when the storm finally arrives in full, but his family is symbolically at his side, ready to face it with him. Truly heart-rending stuff.