
Hello. It is I, Matt Brown… The one they call “Matt Brown.”

Who are you and what are you doing here? This is a website I created to keep track of my various collections: movies I’ve seen and want to see, and art books and albums I own. There’s no reason it should interest you except maybe to see the grades I assign to the movies and albums. If you are interested in that, for some reason, here is my grading system:

10 = This is as good as a work of art can get. You need to experience it if you care about art.
9 = This is excellent. Highly recommended.
8 = Very good. Worth seeking out.
7 = Solidly good. You won’t regret it.
6 = Better than most. Not a waste of time.
5 = Pretty bad. Possibly well-intentioned, but a failure.
4 = Bad. Skippable, despite a few positives.
3 = Very bad. Don’t waste your time.
2 = Terrible. Avoid it at all costs.
1 = Absolutely abysmal and irredeemable in all aspects. Might actually be entertaining it’s so utterly horrible, but more likely it’s just soul-depleting.

Thanks for accidentally stopping by!

Art of Southeast Asia, The


Ladies Man, The


Slumdog Millionaire


Experts, The

Manhattan Murder Mystery

Woman on the Beach, The


Art of Tantra

Hollywood Knights, The


My Kid Could Paint That


226: L’Aventure humanitaire

Oasis: Supersonic





Mac and Me

Star Trek Book, The

041 | South West England

Wild Boar

Celine and Julie Go Boating

Buddhist Art and Architecture




175: Knossos: Searching for the Legendary Palace of King Minos



Flavors of Youth



Singin’ in the Rain


Nico and Dani


Overnighters, The


360: The Search for Ancient China

Exploring the World of the Vikings



City Slickers

Desert Hearts