Pink Flamingos

GRADE: 7.5

Notorious Baltimore criminal and underground figure Divine goes up against a sleazy married couple who make a passionate attempt to humiliate her and seize her tabloid-given title as “The Filthiest Person Alive”.

Director: John Waters
Country: USA


Man, is it hard to be objective about movies like this, when there’s so much legend behind it.

I went in expecting it to be merely a mere chore, a tick off the list. “Okay, I didn’t much enjoy it, but at least its done. I’ve officially seen it.” For sure it wasn’t exactly the most profound cinematic experience I’ve ever had. It’s a genuine piece of trash with no point other than to shock, with hilariously bad acting and uber-cheapo production values. But here’s the thing: there’s a giddiness to it, and it is actually infectious. The 50s soundtrack is fun, the vibe of communal camaraderie gleeful, and, of course, Divine—even when she’s not eating dog shit—is a genuine presence of the oddest kind.

Say what you will about it, but there is a genuine stamp on it that is all John Waters. His vision may be grotesque and ridiculous, but it’s genuine, and his enthusiasm for it is contagious.