Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Seen = 6 (15%)

  1. Love Is Colder Than Death
  2. Katzelmacher
  3. Gods of the Plague
  4. The Coffee House
  5. Why Does Herr R. Run Amok?
  6. The American Soldier
  7. The Niklashausen Journey
  8. Rio das Mortes
  9. Pioneers in Ingolstadt
  10. Whity Whity
  11. Beware of a Holy Whore
  12. The Merchant of Four Seasons
  13. The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
  14. Bremen Freedom
  15. Jail Bait
  16. World on a Wire
  17. Nora Helmer
  18. Ali: Fear Eats the Soul
  19. Martha
  20. Effi Briest
  21. Like a Bird on a Wire
  22. Fox and His Friends
  23. Mother Küsters’ Trip to Heaven
  24. Fear of Fear
  25. I Only Want You To Love Me
  26. Satan’s Brew
  27. Chinese Roulette
  28. Women in New York
  29. The Stationmaster’s Wife
  30. Germany in Autumn
  31. Despair
  32. In a Year of 13 Moons
  33. The Marriage of Maria Braun
  34. The Third Generation
  35. Berlin Alexanderplatz
  36. Lili Marleen
  37. Theater in Trance
  38. Lola
  39. Veronika Voss
  40. Querelle